Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy
Thai yoga therapy is a combination of gentle rocking, range of motion, passive stretching and gentle pressure along energy lines. Joints are loosened and opened, muscles are stretched, internal organs are toned, vitality is increased and a deep state of relaxation can be achieved. Nothing like western massage therapy, it is often referred to as "lazy man's yoga." This unique form of bodywork is a bit like having someone do yoga to you and simultaneously receiving an acupressure and reflexology treatment.
With these techniques, applied in a quietly meditative atmosphere, space is created in the musculoskeletal structure, the body begins to open and regain flexibility and ease of movement, while the mind gently returns to calm alertness. The body's energy system is rebalanced, blood and lymph circulation is improved and internal organs are stimulated by pressure on peripheral reflex points.
Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy sessions are performed on a floor mat and typically 90 minutes to 2 hours. You should wear loose comfortable clothing that is easy to move in. Long sleeves and leggings or sweatpants are recommended as clients often become chilled during sessions.
Eat no sooner than ninety minutes before the session as there are many movements that compress the abdomen.
Please wash your feet before the session, as they must be bare and are touched repeatedly.
Remove all jewelry. Leave lotions or oils off the skin as these make the skin slippery.
At your first appointment you will be asked to complete a client questionnaire.